Publicise your 2025 event in the calendar
by Magnus Smith 22 Dec 2024 15:28 GMT

What's in our database? © Magnus Smith / Tagxedo
As Winter draws to a close, the beauty sleep of event coordinators everywhere becomes more and more disturbed. For fixtures lists will soon be published on club and class websites up and down the country.
Nightmares of club and class reps with conflicting demands haunt the organisers of even the most well-planned open meetings. These worthy volunteers are often sweating in their beds, taunted by visions of nationwide bacon shortages or broken grills in the club kitchen.
But one lingering thought stays with the fixtures secretary after they wake: "Ooooh, if only I could do more to publicise my event!"
If only there was a website with 100,000 readers each month which displayed future event details under every relevant race report and press release! If only it had an event list that was searchable by class name to find both fleet and handicap events!
It is free to add your events to the calendar section of with as much detail as you want. Pursuit and handicap events can be marked with the PY range or other limitations, and the database will calculate which classes to display your event listing to.
It is easy to register as a calendar administrator, and then you can add events via a simple online form. If you have a bursting programme of open meetings, and the thought of filling in the form ten times over doesn't thrill you to the core, feel free to send us a spreadsheet which will speed up any copy & paste orgy.
Looking at the 2025 entries in our database reveals that the hard-working Nigel Vick is ahead of the game, having added 12 team racing events to the calendar system. Picture him now: feet up, glass in hand, enjoying a chilled Christmas....
It is not just open meetings and national championships you can list; any 'open' event is worth broadcasting to the world. Club open days, class demos, and socials can be publicised. Remember to name your event sponsors too, which will keep the goodwill flowing.
Whilst our database tends to fill up with more dinghy than keelboat activity, we still encourage all events to be added: sportsboats, small keelboats, and IRC yachts. Multihulls are catered for too, whether specific classes or SCHRS.