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Quick links to help you find a certain page:Why use the Y&Y website calendar?
New features for
- Searching for a specific class also brings up handicap/pursuit events you are eligible for (IRC and PY)
- Sign up for events and see how many friends (or rivals) are going
- Send dates to iCal, GCal, Outlook and more; by picking a single event, or exporting your whole list of chosen events
- Warnings when event dates clash with another event
- As always, the Y&Y calendar information is updated by 90% of the UK's clubs and classes
- Automatic service to request permission for weekend absence - goes direct to your partner's mobile phone
New features for
event organisers:
- Add your event quickly and easily with minimum effort (of course it is free!)
- Point people to your own website or use the Y&Y event page to host all the details
- Get seen by relevant sailors via the class and club pages (this website sees up to 95,000 unique users every month)
- You can even manage pre-entries with Y&Y, whether the feature is used just estimate turnout, or as a proper registration system
- When adding more than 10 events at once, you may be able to take the lazy option and send Y&Y a spreadsheet instead
- Upload NOR, SIs, entry forms, posters, other documents
- Email those who have signed up for your event
- Publicise your social events and open days too
New features for
- Any class or club website can display relevant events with a small one-time change to their site
- Event lists then update automatically
- No need to develop your own website calendar - you can use the Y&Y features to achieve the same ends, for free
Signing up for an event
Most open meetings will not require you to register before you turn up, whereas championships and large handicap events may ask for pre-payment.
The Y&Y website calendar allows for either situation, but it also allows people to express a casual interest in a certain event too.
Sailors like to see who else is going (a friend or rival) and feel assured that event is going to be well-attended.
Signing up in advance helps the organisers to judge numbers, plan catering and safety boats etc.
Sailors going to an event:
If you intend to attend a certain race or social, why not click one of the links in the Sign Up section when viewing the event details?
You can choose 'definite' or 'maybe' (and cancel at a later date) to add your name to the list.
For large events you will need to provide boat and crew details, and perhaps even pay in advance.
For typical open meetings you can skip this step and add you name with 2 clicks, just for fun.
Event organisers:
When you have created an event on the Y&Y website, have a look at the event page to see whether the Sign Up section is giving the impression you want.
You can tell competitors whether pre-entry is mandatory or optional. You can switch this feature off if required.
(If you are using another website to handle pre-entries, pick the relevant option and make sure you've entered the link on the main event page.)
You can watch the list of sailors gradually build up over time, and you may choose to use this list to keep track of which sailors have paid already.
Paypal transaction references, or cheque numbers, can be entered against each boat.
Once the pre-entry period has closed you can print the list or export it to a spreadsheet/Sailwave/other software.
To save writing entry forms by hand, competitors could perhaps use a laptop running the Y&Y website at your club on the morning of the event!
Let us know if you need additional features on these pages! Just as we'd like to hear from you.
Creating several events quickly
You can email us a list of 5 to 50 events, and we will add them to the calendar for you!
There are certain limitations with this service, but if you are careful to fill in the information correctly you will save yourself time overall.
Step 1:
Download the blank spreadsheet (a CSV file)
Step 2: Fill in event details according to the format below
Step 3: Save as CSV or XLS format, and email your file to
Step 4: We will email you back when the events are added
Step 5: You may need to adjust the classes associated with each event, using the website
Here's how to fill in each column of the spreadsheet. First, an example of correct formatting:

Within the first four columns, note the date format DD/MM/YYYY (a blank 'end date' signifies a one-day event), and full club name.

You can enter the name of one class of boat in column E, or put "yes" in some of the next four columns to signify an open event for all yacht classes, or all dinghy classes etc.

The last five columns are all optional.
Filling them in will be useful for your potential competitors though.
Links to each club or class website will be added automatically, so you do not need to add a link unless you have a webpage with further information on the specific event.
Here's an example of bad data, which we will be unable to accept:

The first two columns have not been filled in correctly. The date format cannot be recognised by a computer.
The club name is abbreviated and is thus unclear to non-members. Unofficial class names will not be recognised.
"Maybe" is not useful (needs to be "yes" or "no").
Y&Y Online Ltd reserve the right to refuse particular spreadsheets for any reason, or to discontinue the service at any time.
Presenting events from Y&Y on your own website (RSS and other feeds)
Calendar information from this website can be presented on club/class websites in order to create a fixtures list without having to develop your own solution.
The simplest method is via an RSS feed, but there are other options available for webmasters.
Get a special link now.
If any of the following apply to your website, you should read on:
- You have no fixtures list on your website
- You have a static page of text that is a pain to update
- Your website is still showing last year's events
- Updating your website feels too complicated
- You use a public Google/Yahoo calendar which isn't designed for sailing events
- You have events listed on your site, but without any of the advanced features Y&Y can offer
To discard your existing website calendar might seem foolish, especially if it was custom-made...but making use of Y&Y feeds give you more features without any cost!
The process
First add all your events to the Y&Y website; either one-by-one yourself, or by sending us a spreadsheet listing the whole year’s worth (see section above).
Then copy a
small line of code that we provide, to place on your own website. Your site will then display a list of relevant events which updates automatically over time, or if anyone edits an event.
For example, on the
ABC class website, a list of
ABC open meetings will appear, whether they were created on the Y&Y site by the
ABC class rep, or by other clubs hosting
ABC events.
Please if you would like further advice on managing the changeover.
Exporting/importing several events at once
You can copy all the events you signed up for, into the calendar on your computer/phone
PC - OutlookTo add several events to Microsoft Outlook at once, you will need to save
this file to your computer
After that, view your Outlook calendar and go to the "File" menu to choose "Import and Export"
A box pops up and you can choose "Import an iCalendar file"
This will allow you to select the file you saved a moment ago
Google calendarThose with Google calendars will need to save
this file to their computer
After that, view your Google calendar and click the "Add" down-arrow button at the bottom of the calendar list on the left
Select "Import Calendar" and you can choose the file you saved a moment ago, then click "Import"
Your calendar not listed here?If you would like the Y&Y website to work with other devices/software please as we'd like to hear from you