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Hansa TT at Oxford Sailing Club

by Richard Johnson 10 Oct 2016 13:16 BST 5 October 2016

This was the final event and prize-giving for the 2016 Hansa National TT Series, the Hansa Southern TT Series and the Northern Hansa TT Series.

A warm day and blue sky encouraged everyone to try and master the strong (18+ knots), very gusty (25-30 knots) winds at the last Hansa event of 2016. Difficulty using hoists to board the boats caused a half hour delay and the first start was a bit chaotic because the 2.3s were overpowered and only one out of 3 - Lindsey Burns - started. Violent gusts caused many broaches and wipe-outs but good tactics, as fleets split up the beats, paid off.

The 303s were struggling but everyone reached the finish and the Liberties coped best, despite showing their keels in the gusts, with Paul Phillips looking fastest. To be safe, the 2.3s and 303s were sent ashore, leaving just six Liberties for the second race, which was dominated by Monique Foster, going flat out up the beat with sails perfectly set and coping easily with the conditions.

After a good lunch the course was moved nearer to the East wall where there was more shelter and the wind was less gusty. It was still too windy for most 2.3 sailors but 303s and Liberties had two good races under sunny blue skies and enough wind to make them fly.

Leslie Phillips from Tideway looked particularly comfortable, dealing well with wind shifts near the wall and winning both 303 single races. Martin Hadley and Steve Kitson from New Forest kept their 303 driving for a 1, 2 score but Andy Sheath and Kate Lintott, with a 2, 1, plus their morning win, survived some spectacular gybes and secured first overall.

All competitors had been tested to the limit by the conditions despite short races, which helped the programme to finish on time, followed by a huge end of season prize giving (40 trophies!) for three Traveller Series.

Overall Results: (top three)

PosHelm (and Crew)Club
Hansa 2.3 class
1stLindsay Burns Frensham
2ndJack CollierOxford
3rdJackie and John ForemanOxford
Hansa 303 One Person Class
1stLeslie PhilipTideway
2ndJames WoosnamFrensham
3rdAlison GrantFrensham
Hansa 303 Two Person Class
1stAndy Sheath and Kate LintottFrensham
2ndMartin Hadley and Stephen KitsonNew Forest
3rdRic Hughes and John HowardRutland
Liberty Class
1stPaul PhillipsFrensham
2ndMonique FosterRutland
3rdChris EmmetRutland
4thRic CassellRutland
5thTessa WatkissFrensham
6th David DurstonWhitefriars
7th Melvin KinearTideway
8th Simon HarleRutland
2016 Northern Hansa TT Series
Hansa 2.3 class
1stLindsay Burns Frensham
2ndChris StoutWhitefriars
3rdAnn LewisFrensham
Hansa 303 One Person Class
1stLeslie PhilipTideway
2ndAlison GrantFrensham
3rdJames WoosnamFrensham
Hansa 303 Two Person Class
1stMartin Hadley and Stephen KitsonNew Forest
2ndAndy Sheath and Kate LintottFrensham
3rdRoy Child and Precilla DaviesNorthampton
1stPaul PhillipsFrensham
2ndChris EmmetRutland
3rdMonique FosterRutland
2016 Southern Hansa TT Series
Hansa 2.3 class
1stLindsay BurnsFrensham
2ndLaura SturgisFrensham
3rdGregor ParkerFrensham
Hansa 303 One Person Class
1stLeslie PhilipTideway
2ndJames WoosnamFrensham
3rdAlison GrantFrensham
Hansa 303 Two Person Class
1stPeter and Peta EthertonFrensham
2ndAndy Sheath and Kate LintottFrensham
3rdMartin Hadley and Stephen KitsonNew Forest
1stPaul PhillipsFrensham
2ndTessa WatkissFrensham
3rdDavid DurstonWhitefriars
2016 National Hansa TT Series
Hansa 2.3 class  
1stLindsay BurnsFrensham
2ndLaura SturgisFrensham
3rdGregor ParkerFrensham
Hansa 303 One Person Class
1stLeslie PhilipTideway
2ndJames WoosnamFrensham
3rdAlison GrantFrensham
Hansa 303 Two Person Class
1stMartin Hadley and Stephen KitsonNew Forest
2ndAndy Sheath and Kate LintottFrensham
3rdPeter and Peta EthertonFrensham
Liberty Class
1stPaul PhillipsFrensham
2ndTessa WatkissFrensham
3rdDavid DurstonWhitefriars
Team Trophy
1stFrensham Pond Sailability 
2ndTideway Sailability 
3rdRutland Sailability 

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