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Diamond Jubilee Gold Challenge Cup at Norfolk Broad's Yacht Club Regatta Week

by Vicky Bentall 31 Jul 2024 16:55 BST 28 July 2024
Norfolk Broad's Yacht Club Diamond Jubilee Gold Challenge Cup © Trish Barnes

Gold Cup Glory for Flip Dugdale

Norfolk Broad's Yacht Club Regatta Week concluded in spectacular fashion on Sunday 28th July with the Diamond Jubilee Gold Challenge Cup, the most prestigious one-design event on the Norfolk Broads. This year, Flip Dugdale made history by winning the race in The Miller with her mother, Gilly Foulds, as crew.

Flip is the first woman to win in 60 years. At 33 she is the youngest winning helm in three decades and it's the first time a mother-daughter duo has won in the race's 127-year history. Their victory was even more impressive as they outperformed nine-time winner Chris Bunn and ten-time winner Ian Tims.

This year's race saw 29 starters, predominantly Yare and Bure One Designs along with two Broads One Designs. The race commenced on the first attempt, with no need for a general recall from race officer Paul Barker. Only one, John Clabburn in Thecla, was over the line. The sea breeze brought in a light North-Easterly wind favouring the Yare and Bure One Designs with their larger sail areas.

Most of the fleet started at the mid to starboard end of the line, while a small contingent at the far end capitalised on better wind which allowed them to lift-up and round the first mark ahead. Flip led from here, being chased by her husband Richie Dugdale in Galium Hawk and Peter Hawes in White Plume.

The long reach down the broad made for a challenging race, with the leaders needing to find a gap through the rest of the fleet sailing up the broad. Flip and Richie extended the gap to the nearest competitors, but try as he might, Richie was unable to encroach on Flip's lead. Peter Hawes in third place, kept Ian Tims in Scarlet Admiral and Paul Carrington in White Ermine at bay until the third lap.

On lap four, the race was shortened as the front runners began to encounter the back of the fleet. Ultimately Flip's skill ensured her victory. The win felt like a natural progression following seconds in 2018 and 2022 and a third last year. Richie crewed by Robert Whitefoot finished in second place taking the Percival Memorial Trophy. The final leg saw intense competition between Carrington and Tims for third place with Tims and his daughter Laura prevailing, winning the Barry Knox Memorial Trophy, a trophy presented in memory of Laura's grandfather.

Last year's winner Chris Bunn faced a tough challenge, starting near the back but working his way up through the fleet to finish in sixth place. The Nancy Oldfield Trophy for sealed handicaps went to Andrew Jeckells in Moon Moth.

Flip is only the seventh woman to have her name on the trophy - though not all of those were helms. Tradition at the time meant owners names were marked on the trophy rather than the helms. It was not as we know it today for the female owners; Lady Mayhew recalled not being allowed to attend the fleet AGM and having to watch from a viewing gallery.

The first woman named as a winner is Mrs H L Clarke in Dingy Skipper in 1913 and then again in 1922. From 1919, Miss D. Oetzmann won the race in Cigarette three times, it is believed she was helming. In 1947 Lady Mayhew won the race in Pochard. In 1952 Mrs L K Smith's name is on the trophy followed by Mrs M Adams in 1960. In 1964 Jill Cox won in Golden Copper.

As Flip, an extremely accomplished sailor who completed at a very high level in both the Optimist and Topper fleets, becomes the latest name on the trophy, her achievement is a reminder of the huge progress made in the sport and is an inspiration for young sailors.

Overall Results:

PosSail NoBoat NameTypeHelmR1Pts
1136The MillerYBODflip dugdale11
2119Galium HawkYBODRichie Dugdale22
32Scarlet AdmiralYBODIan Tims33
482White ErmineYBODPaul Carrington44
5134White PlumeYBODPeter Hawes55
663Duke of BurgundyYBODTom Thwaites66
7142FoxYBODChris Bunn77
89White AdmiralYBODEdward Whipp88
939TheclaYBODJohn Clabburn99
1014ClearwingYBODRobert Self1010
1166Speckled WoodYBODMike Tims1111
1225MarmoressYBODSue Funnell1212
1355Red AdmiralYBODDavid Talbot1313
1441Clouded YellowYBODNick Gill1414
1581Moon MothYBODAndrew Jeckells1515
16125PhoenixYBODTom Barker1616
1763KestrelBODMatthew Frary1717
1895Little BlueYBODCharles Bellamy1818
19108Oak BeautyYBODEdward Clifford1919
20141LunarYBODBeowulf O'Dwyer2020
21129ArgentYBODJames Mickleburgh2121
2259SwanBODCharlotte Dustan2222
2387Golden YYBODgraham Waring2323
24128AlchymistYBODSam Archer2424
25124IRISYBODMalcolm kemp2525
2622Meadow BrownYBODKevin Thomas2626
2784HawkYBODCalum Martin2727
27=27VanessaYBODPatrick RichardsonRET30
27=132TaliskerYBODDavid ShipstoneRET30
Series notes: none      

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