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Road To Gold Q&A with multihull world champion and Olympic coach Konstantinos Trigonis

by Andy Rice, Co-Creator, Road To Gold 24 May 19:00 BST 27 May 2024
Q&A with multihull world champ & Olympic coach Konstantinos Trigonis © Road To Gold

Technology and tools can be beneficial for learning and development, but ultimately it depends on how you use them. For Konstantinos Trigonis, it's crucial for sailors to be able to *feel* the boat and the conditions around them.

In order to make those split-second decisions that can alter the outcome of a race, you need to have a deep understanding of the principles and mechanics behind sailing techniques and your equipment, and Konstantinos reckons this is far more important than looking to the numbers and data.

As a coach, he emphasises 'seat of the pants' sailing, teaching his athletes to trust their instincts, develop a deep connection with their boats, and to use technology as a supplementary tool rather than as a crutch. The Greek sailor has participated in four Olympics, won multiple European and World Championships in the F18 catamaran, and coached the Dutch 470 Women's Team towards Tokyo 2020. Now he's coaching the Dutch Nacra 17 teams for their Olympic campaigns this summer.

He's also all about sharing knowledge and making it accessible and actionable - which is of course what we do at Road To Gold! - so we're very excited to have him as our next Q&A guest.

What we'll be covering: Trusting your instincts in a digital age

The ability to adapt quickly to changing conditions is a key skill that separates the best sailors from the rest, so in next week's Q&A we'll be asking Konstantinos about...

  • Developing a sense of feel and adaptability beyond data and numbers
  • Learning through direct experiences and making mistakes
  • Not losing touch with the basic principles and roots of sailing

Aside from the main topic of the call, the Road To Gold team will be digging into whatever burning questions YOU have. This is a unique format - half podcast and half phone-in. You can either sit back and enjoy the Q&A, or you can put your questions directly to Konstantinos during the call.

What do YOU want to know about racing faster?

Feel free to ask your question(s) during the call, but if you can't make it live then you can send them in beforehand - hit Reply to this email, or fill out our quick survey.

(If you just want to sit back and enjoy the chat, that's fine too!)

Save the date: Monday 27 May, 1800 UTC

Check how that time zone relates to where you are in the world. It's not always easy to get on the call live, but we do provide a recording for our paying subscribers.

You can use the countdown at the end to help you figure it out

Free Zoom invite

Join Zoom Meeting with Road To Gold + Konstantinos Trigonis
Meeting ID: 880 3828 5978
Passcode: 445624

Whether you're a dedicated weekend warrior or full-time professional racer, don't miss the chance to get tailored advice from a world-renowned coach and take your performance to the next level.

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