Norfolk Punt Club Opening Sunday Racing
by Alan Davis 9 May 2024 09:08 BST
5 May 2024

Norfolk Punt Club Opening Sunday Racing © Robin Myerscough /
We awoke to clear blue skies and very little wind. But the Met Office said it would be mainly southerly F2, increasing to F3 and gusting F4 later. And so it was - a perfect day for NPC sailing. What a joy after the weeks we have endured beforehand!
In addition to the usual sailing, there was also some junior training taking place, and it was lovely to see Oppies, Fevas, juniors and some parents and instructors on the pontoons. Even more special when the 3 Fevas stayed the whole day and many sailed in all 4 races.
There were 11 competitors in Series 1 which was won by 11 seconds corrected time by Simon Clayton sailing Waxwing from Peter Robbins in Small White. 3rd was Charles Hare-Winton sailing punt Kookaburra. Series 2 after lunch had 8 entries and was won by Charles Hare-Winton in Kookaburra, followed by Simon Daniels in Silver Blue and Peter Robbins in Small White. The "slow" race had 3 starters, all juniors, and was won by Henry Drew in Purple Pirate, followed by Amelia Daniels in a boat with no name.
There were 3 entries in the YBOD race for series 3 which was won by a huge margin by Simon Daniels in Silver Blue. How does he do it?? Followed in 2nd place by Peter Robbins in Small White and Kath Mason in 3rd sailing Cupido.
There were 6 entries for the series 3 Allcomers race: 3 punts, 2 Yeomans and a River Cruiser. The race was won by Rupert Reddington in Redwing with Richard Parker sailing Razorbill in 2nd place. Rachel Clayton sailing Waxwing was 3rd. In the slow race there were 3 Feva entries and it was won by Alastair Drew sailing one of them. Amelia Daniels was 2nd in another, but sadly Henry Drew was robbed of 3rd place by capsizing in front of the pontoons, just 30 yards short of the finishing line.
The tea hut did brisk business all afternoon, but after series 3 we had the natural break in the racing for tea. Time for (another) piece of cake and a cuppa. This was very much up to the high standard the Punt Club sets itself, with Annette's coffee cake and Karen's GF orange & almond cake being mentioned for special praise. Thank you both for all your hard work.
Their energy levels restored by bountiful cake, there were 6 sailors who were keen to undertake the final race of the day. Emma Daniels sailing Silver Blue was first across the finishing line (and on handicap) followed by Bill Glover in Prawn and Paul Fynn sailing Marsh Ringlet. Sadly both our junior entries had minor mishaps and both retired before completing the course. But full marks for their effort, determination and enthusiasm for joining in.
Many thanks go to those who cleared the goose poo off the pontoons on Saturday, to Martin and Richard for their help in the rescue boat, for Karen and Annette got wonderful cakes, (scrumptious coffee cake), to Franis and Alex for OODs and the junior parents who encouraged their young to take part and shepherded them around the course. It was a perfect Punt Club day!
Series 1 Combined Allcomers
1. Waxwing, Simon Clayton
2. Small White, Peter Robbins
3. Kookaburra, Charles Hare-Winton
Series 2 Combined Allcomers
Faster Boats
1. Silver Blue, Simon Daniels
2. Small White, Peter robbins
Slower Boats
1. Purple, Pirate Henry Drew (Junior)
2. No Name, Amelia Daniels (Junior)
Series 3
Yare and Bure One Design
1. Silver Blue, Simon Daniels
2. Small White, Peter Robbins
3. Cupido, Kath Mason
Faster Boats
1. Redwing, Rupert Reddington
2. Razorbill, Richard Parker
3. Waxwing, Rachel Clayton
Slower Boats
1. Feva, Alistair Drew
2. Feva, Amelia Daniels
Series 4 Combined Allcomers
1. Silver, Blue Emma Daniels
2. Prawn, Bill Glover
3. Marsh Ringlet, Paul Flynn