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Norfolk Punt Club Sunday Series racing

by Alan Davis 26 Jul 2023 06:30 BST 23 July 2023
Norfolk Punt Club Sunday racing © Alan David

A brisk and gusty south westerly greeted a handful of heroic entrants to the Sunday series, in the face of a wet and blustery forecast.

Race officers laid an ambitious course to provide three upwind legs and a long run, which allowed for the natural speeds of the boats to establish themselves in the first race and the four hardy entrants to finish in predictable order over the water, which was not changed after handicaps had been applied: Simon and Rachel Clayton in their punt Decoy took line honours, followed by Oscar Fry and Poppy Leventon making the most of a club Laser 2000, Peter and Sian Robbins in their white boat Small White came third, and a creditable performance from Commodore Aaron Male and his son Seth showing a guest crew the ropes in Yeoman Monthelie.

Despite predictions the sun came out for lunch and tempting cakes led to an early and extended tea party.

The Daniels and the Luckhursts sniffed out the provisions and swelled the ranks, adding competition to the white boat fleet for the second race. Sadly Lenka Luckhurst and her crew Paul and Kyriel Fynn were forced to retire with gear failure. Simon and Fil Daniels supported by Simon Clayton in Silver Blue gave the 2000 a run for their money, and showed great good humour and resilience in the face of some confusion from the deputy OOD over the course setting. This gave the Laser the eventual win, followed by Small White and Monthelie.

Race 3 began with a tussle at the line and some individual recalls leading to a close race. Gusts challenged punt White Eagle and while the Smith family put up a great fight they were eventually forced to retire following an irretrievable capsize. Thanks to Peter and Joan Dickie for their work in the rescue boat. In the largest fleet of the day all entrants finished within a two minute window, with the Laser 2000 again coming out on top, followed by Small White with the addition of Rachel Clayton, chased by Silver Blue.

Extended teas continued to great acclaim - thanks to all who contributed.

The final race provided gentler winds and clearer skies, ensuring all could finish and end the day on a high. The Laser 2000 continued their winning streak, with stiff competition from Silver Blue, only 3 seconds behind on corrected time. Lenka and crew's persistence in Camberwell Beauty paid off with a well deserved third place.

Thanks to everyone for showing true Punt Club spirit.

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