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Snipe Open at Stone Sailing Club

by John Reed 12 Jun 2023 05:47 BST 20-21 May 2023
Matthew Wolstenholme and Sam Boniface win the Stone Snipe Open © Sue Roberts

The Snipe fleet returned for their annual pilgrimage to Stone Sailing Club at the end of May. The forecast was set fair for two days with decent breezes expected.

The fun started on Friday evening when the fleet started turning up and pitching their tents in the boat park or moving in with the neighbours or parking up their camper vans. Everyone was on station with one to arrive on Saturday morning which duly happened. The fleet welcomed guests from as far afield as Budworth, and Belgium, recognising the very international nature of the Snipe Class.

After a good nights sleep everyone had a relaxing start to the day with a very civilised 12.30 start to the first race. The wind was more than expected with 16 to 22 knots recorded, so our race officer wisely decided to avoid a long sail down the Blackwater and concentrate racing from the club line in case things got really interesting. However any concerns were unfounded as the 11 boats enjoyed a great days racing, on a simple windward leeward course with a finer reach to the finish off the club house.

In the first race Matthew Wolstenholme was first to show crewed by Sam Boniface, followed by Ian Knight and Paul Walker and Peter Wolstenhome crewed by Lloyd Roberts. Unusually John and Liz Reed made a poor start but called the lay line against the flooding tide well and slipped through 5 or so boats into 2nd place. Over standing cost some of the early leaders dearly. Matt and Sam romped away winning easily from the Reeds and Ian/Paul. Christopher and Jonathan Surridge had their best result of the regatta in 7th.

The second race saw less of the mistakes in the first race and it was the ever consistent Peter/Lloyd combo who were early to show, chased hard by Ian/Paul and Matt/Sam. Eric and Aylish were also starting to show form particularly down wind where they excelled in the breezy conditions. However Peter/Lloyd worked hard as always with their very flat boat and of course the ever quick Matt/Sam were not far behind. It looked like these were the ones to catch.

The third race started with even more breeze. This proved to be to the liking of the Reeds, who made their way to the front, eventually catching Peter and Lloyd at the leeward mark. However what was of note is that after 45 minutes of racing 6 boats were abreast of each other at the leeward mark, showing how competitive and close the fleet is. Our Belgium friends Reinilde and Roos were a notable 4th and Brian Gregory ably crewed by Ian Rumble were 7th. Brian is our veteran and still very much a stalwart of the class who clearly enjoyed the breezy conditions. The close reach to the finish was a particular note, planning all the way which for a number of us who are pond sailors was a real joy.

The evening festivities started and the Club put on a marvellous feast at 6.30pm followed by entertainment. One of the great things about the Snipe fleet are the socials. Serious sailing and serious fun is our strap line and we had everyone from youngsters through to our veteran sailors. Needless to say some of the more mature amongst us called it early with tired bodies, but the young guns kept going eventually moving to the changing rooms to carry on when the bar closed late. Not sure who got to sleep when but it was probably after 2.30 or so.

Naturally there were a few dark glasses in sight the next morning and much laughter, however the serious sailing was about to start.... or was it. Our RO had been recording 32 knots in the club house, but the fleet decided to go for it anyway. It was the correct call as the wind moderated during the two races scheduled.

Our leading Lady helm Sue with husband Steve Roberts, started to show true form and speed, chasing the Peter/Lloyd and Matt/Sam hard. Ian and Paul were also in the mix. Most heads that needed it were cleared with the first bucket of Blackwaters freshest as the boats ploughed through the waves. Ian Gregory and Cecile were also finding form in 6th.

The last race for once saw a different leader at the first mark, with the Reeds rounding clear, they were chased down by the regattas two leading boats, Peter and Lloyds regatta came to a premature end when their outhaul broke, leaving Matt/Sam to finish comfortably clear. Team Roberts showing superior boat handling and speed overtook the Reeds on the last leg to finish second. Eric and Aylish once again showing excellent downwind boat speed to finish 4th and a very creditable finish for Patrick Sarsfield and Nat Pearson in 5th.

Once again Stone exceeded all expectations, and was a great family event. If you want to join a competitive fun and very friendly fleet which has a national and european circuit, and has at its heart the ability to have serious sailing and serious fun come join us. Of no less importance the results were:

1st Matthew Wolstenholme and Sam Boniface
2nd Peter Wolstenholme and Lloyd Roberts
3rd John and Elizabeth Reed
4th Ian Knight and Paul Walker
5th Sue and Steve Roberts
6th Eric Paalman and Aylish Mackenzie
7th Ian and Celcile Gregory
8th Rienilde Moors and Roos Hertsens
9th Patrick Sarsfield and Emma Curran
10th Brian Gregory and Ian Rumble
11th Christopher Surridge and Nat Pearson

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