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Magic Marine & Triggernaut western area Solo open meeting at Torpoint Mosquito Sailing Club

by Nick Fisher 3 Apr 2023 09:32 BST 1 April 2023

The first Magic Marine/Triggernaut sponsored Western area Solo open of the year was held at Torpoint on Sat 1st April 2023. Despite the weather forecast being fairly dire at the beginning of the week the day turned out to be eminently sailable, albeit favouring the fitter and chunkier sailors.

The committee boat headed out to the western side of St Johns lake, just to the side of the Tamar river. The 30 year old engine coughed and spluttered and only just made it to the starting area. Fortunately we were able to anchor and set the line, the windward mark was set approximately 500 yds to the NWest in a 17 -18 kt wind. The l'ward mark was the West Mud channel buoy, not something to take risks with.

Joe Hearn (in a borrowed boat) treated us to a spectacular capsize just off the pin, made even more interesting by being able to stand up to right the boat; we were on a rising tide so all was good.

With the sequence going on time the 1st race started bang on schedule, quite gusty with the wind reaching 23 - 24 kts at times. Local lad Charlie Nunn was leading down the run with his new lean & slender body working the short chop. Close racing with Darren Roach, Paul Jacobs and Steve Roberts in hot pursuit closely followed by the rest of the fleet spread across the course.

Geoff Holden however, decided it was time for a swim. It was nip and tuck over the three laps but it was Charlie who prevailed, revelling in the breezy conditions.

Race 2 got away shortly after the first completed, with the fleet spread across the start line it appeared a very fair start. It must be said that Darren Roach had timed his approach to the millimetre, absolute perfection. The three main protagonists of Nunn, Jacobs and Roach had plenty of place changing with Charlie trying to catch Paul Jacobs.

At the start of the second lap Shaun Welsh fluffed his tack and the race team couldn't understand why he would have had ducks in his boat, or indeed a set of rowlocks as he was supposed to be sailing it. In the end it was Darren Roach that took the line honours, with Paul in second and Charlie third.

Race 3 got under way in a squall and the fleet slightly reduced due to retirements. Jacobs needed a first place with Nunn and Roach no better than third to take the event. Nunn & Roach on equal points with a first and a third each, it's between the three of them. Jacobs got away well and was leading round the windward mark from Nunn, Roach in close pursuit.

The fleet was fairly evenly split on the downwind leg with Roach keeping to the right, Jacobs and Nunn sticking to the left.

Charlie was able to use his youth to take the race from Paul and therefore the open overall. Darren, meanwhile, was having problems, but being a stalwart finished the race but way down. He had already done enough to take second overall on countback.

The event was also locally sponsored by GOAT Marine, Dinghy Shack and El Serv lift services, many thanks to all. Prizes were awarded by Steve Badham (GOAT).

Many thanks from Darren Roach for the use of the Solo Association Demo boat. A special mention for Rob Loader in a borrowed boat along with Nik Lye in his father's boat.

A big thank you to our faithful rescue teams, Race offer Dee Casey-Brown, assistants Richard Woods & myself not to forget the ladies doing registration and providing refreshments.

Overall Results:

PosBoatSail NoHelmR1R2R3Pts
1st 5901Charlie Nunn1‑312
2nd 6053Darren Roach31‑134
3rd 6003Paul dacob‑5224
4th 6013Kim Furniss6‑739
5th 5720Peter Lye‑7459
6thVenom5642Steve Roberts2‑9810
7th 5604Roger Gibb‑88412
8thRocinante6042Geoff Holden‑105712
9th 5364Mark Waterhouse‑126612
10th 5755Graham Cranford Smith4‑14913
11thPension Pot5798Rob Loader910(RET)19
12thPink Panther5778Shaun Welsh11‑121021
13th 4069Andy Mattews‑13111122
14th 5655Sean Biggs‑15131225
15th 5844Joe Hearn14(RET)RET32
16thRhythm Stick4614Geoff Hall16(RET)RET34
17th 5262Sal Furniss(DNC)DNCDNC36

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