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Noble Marine 2022 YY - LEADERBOARD

Salcombe Yacht Club Spring Series - Race 2

by John Burn 19 Mar 2023 15:40 GMT 18 March 2023

When in the race box, Simon Ballantine has earned himself quite a reputation of being pretty imaginative with his course selection. Needless to say he did not disappoint and sent the competitors off on their first Estuary tour of the season.

Warm sunshine, plenty of water and a decent WSW breeze on hand to facilitate Simons chosen course, 1-4-6-7.

Handicap Race

First away were the 3 Handicap teams, Will this week had daughter Mary crewing in the Lark, AJ and Simon in the Albacore and Mike and Sian in the N12.

After an initial slow getaway by Will and Mary they soon worked themselves into the lead and that's where they remained for the rest of the race finishing 1st over the water and on corrected time.

This was the case for Aj and Simon who once round Blackstone went on to finish 2nd with Mike and Sian 3rd.

Handicap RaceResults

Solo Race

Another handicap defector, Dan Bridger bit the bullet this week and joined the dark side. This saw 14 Solos on the start line with almost all of them wanting to get their race under way on the Portlemouth shore.

Clear air and space was going to be key to ensure you reached the first mark at the sharp end, something Tim Law & Tim Fells executed well subsequently seeing them lead the fleet down the first long run to mark 4.

Law proceeded to lead the fleet around the course and slowly began to put some breathing room between him and Fells who had in turn done the same between himself and Chris Cleaves.

Tim Law controlled the race and claimed 1st with Tim Fells coming home 2nd.

Chris Cleaves held off the challenge from Graham Cranford Smith and finished 3rd.

Solo Race Results

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