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Rooster RS Aero World Championship at Yacht Club de Carnac - Day 3

by RS Aero International Class Association 27 Jul 2017 13:24 BST 24-28 July 2017

Another fantastic day of fresh breezes on France's Brittany Coast graced the third day of the Rooster RS Aero Worlds in Carnac. 96 worn out but elated RS Aero sailors came ashore with faces beaming again from the exciting downwind rides that they had once again experienced.

The top players in the RS Aero 9 fleet all strengthened their podium positions with Marc Jacobi USA taking three 1sts, GBR Youth Liam 'Lightning' Willis taking three 2nds and Greg Bartlett GBR three 3rds.

The battle at the top of the sixty-strong RS Aero 7 fleet continued with another 2:1 split between Steve Cockerill GBR and Peter Barton GBR, horns locked just one point apart going into the last two races. Paul Bartlett GBR maintained his third overall whilst Marcus Walther GER gained ground in fourth finishing the day with a third.

Noah Rees GBR is chased by Yannick Gloster USA for the Top Youth and Jane Peckham GBR and Caitie Atkin GBR are chasing after Liina Kolk EST and Juliane Barthel GER for the Lady's title. The Masters (over 55) RS Aero 7 title is looking pretty safe with Rooster's Steve Cockerill GBR!

Andrew Frost GBR pulled out a small lead in the RS Aero 5s with a 3,1,1. Sander Puppart EST holds second, Andrias Sillaste EST third with Kate Sargent GBR (top Lady) pulling up to one point off the podium in fourth with a 4,2,2 flying through the fleet on the runs. (See the full results at the bottom of this report.)

At the daily Rooster prize giving, each fleet leader generously gave their top tips to the fleet. Andrew Frost stressed the importance of identifying any small bias on the long start lines. Marc Jacobi encouraged competitors to 'never give up' with opportunities until the end of each race.

Steve Cockerill of Rooster provided an insight into his incredible downwind speed with, "when you come off the plane on a reach remember to ease the sheet" due to the apparent wind going aft and potential for stall. Plenty to think about there going into Day 4!

A fantastic BBQ from YC Carnac followed before the fleet reconvened at the designated bar for a full wash down.

The breeze looks like it may be a little lighter going into Day 4; a welcome break perhaps to some aching muscles!

Keep in touch via the RS Aero Facebook group at

5 rig results after day 3:

PosSail NoHelmClubR1R2R3R4R5R6R7R8R9Pts
1GBR 1312FROST AndrewSUTTON BINGHAM SC ‑ Great Britain14313331113
3EST 1929SILLASTE AndriasPIRITA SVERTPAADIKLUBI ‑ Estonia41146713519
4GBR 2130SARGENT KATESALTASH SC ‑ Great Britain52RDG24442220
5GBR 1107POE BenBINGHAM SC SUTTON ‑ Great Britain33455555630
6GBR 1795ISAACS‑JOHNSON SammyMAIDENHEAD SC ‑ Great Britain76899688851
7GBR 2100WILLIS JulieLUYMINGTON TOWN SC ‑ Great Britain6561181114141158
8USA 2381GLOSTER CatherineSANTA BARBARA SEASCHELL ‑ United States Of America877121191391263
11GER 1909DOMRES JörnGermanyDNCDNCDNC878961069
12GBR 1264CRAVEN JackieGreat BritainDNCDNCDNC7101210101383
13USA 2388SOLNICK MelissaSEBAGO ‑ United States Of America108OCS13141417121586
16FRA 1372CLERGEAU Leon philippeNPB ‑ FranceDNCDNCDNC1513RET151516116
17USA 2204GLOSTER PaulSANTA BARBARA SEASHELL ‑ United States Of AmericaDNFDNFDNF1616DNF161617123

7 rig results after day 3:

PosSail NoHelmClubR1R2R3R4R5R6R7R8R9
1GBR 2319COCKERILL StephenSTOKES BAY SC ‑ Great Britain221121121
2GBR 2093BARTON PeterLYMINGTON TOWN SC ‑ Great Britain113212212
3GBR 1930BARTLETT PaulSTARCROSS YC ‑ Great Britain332343DNFUFD4
4GER 1723WALTHER MarcusDSCL FRANKFURT ‑ Germany4741034933
5IRL 2382CRAIG SeanROYAL ST GEARGE YC ‑ Ireland7561275598
6GBR 1232NORBURY SteveWARSASH SC ‑ Great Britain5499661286
7GBR 2147WARBUTON JohnCHEW VALLEY LSC ‑ Great Britain6851412811511
9EST 1871OUNAP KristoPIRITA SVERTPAADIKLUBI ‑ Estonia8UFD1081015101013
10AUS 2380STEPHINSON II PeterMIDDLE HARBOUR ASC ‑ Australia1461115131861329
11GBR 1093SMITH CameronCHELMARSH SC ‑ Great Britain10111213161681910
12GBR 2146CLAPHAM JamesROYAL TORBAY YC ‑ Great Britain1619761910281128
13GBR 1817JONES ChrisSUTTON BINGHAM SC ‑ Great Britain13163511811171217
14GBR 2157ROLFE NigelBURGHFIELD SC ‑ Great Britain9913201512141620
15GBR 2346WOLFE BenGreat BritainDNCDNCDNC559445
16EST 1867OUNAP MartinPIRITA SVERTPAADIKLUBI ‑ Estonia111317161122131416
17GBR 1230REES NoahTORPOINT MOSQUITO SC ‑ Great Britain181015211414202619
18GBR 2148GRIFFITHS GarethISLAND BARN RES SC ‑ Great Britain19141642323212315
19EST 1873KOLK LiinaSAAREMAA MS ‑ Estonia151519182525181514
20FRA 2300HONOR NicolasYC LA GRANDE MOTTE ‑ France211214DNCDNCDNC367
21FRA 2134WOODCOCK TimothyC V MULHOUSE ‑ France202020251819151733
22GER 1903BARTHEL JulianeSEGLER CLUB DUMMER ‑ Germany172118222129161818
23USA 2379GLOSTER YannickSANTA BARBARA YSF ‑ United States Of America262621231713193112
24GBR 2320COCKERILL SarahSTOCKES BAY SC ‑ Great Britain23UFD22312226242425
25RUS 1877IVANOVSKIY VladislavYC SANKT‑PETERSBURG ‑ Russia253427322621222721
26GBR 2162CHAPLIN PeterBURGHFIELD SC ‑ Great BritainDNF1825243017313031
27GBR 1715PECKHAM JaneGURNARD SC ‑ Great Britain312334272427263722
28USA 2385DUBOIS DougUS SAILING ‑ United States Of America2822242627SCP292842
29GBR 2104WILLOWS RichardROADFORD LAKE SC ‑ Great Britain3225DNF1929DNF382023
30GBR 2161ROBSON PaulREADING SC ‑ Great Britain383331172837232537
31GBR 1792HILL AndyHAYLING ISLAND SC ‑ Great Britain22UFD26383131322926
32UAE 2383HORNUNG JuliusDUBAI OFFSHORE SC ‑ United Arab Emirates273236333430352127
33GBR 2101HOBDAY ChrisGURNARD SC ‑ Great BritainDNFDNFDNF302024252224
34GBR 1575CARLETON MarkPAPERCOURT SC ‑ Great Britain303033293733273232
35GBR 1568ATKIN CaitlinWHITSABLE YC ‑ Great Britain242923344635344038
36GBR 1921CLAPHAM CharlesCHEW VALLEY LSC ‑ Great Britain293132354132333330
37GBR 1846FRASER SteveEAST LOTHIAN ‑ Great Britain332729SCP3640453535
38GBR 1108PEARCE CharlieDABCHICKS SC ‑ Great Britain342830373234363634
39GBR 1062PHILLIPS DanRIPON SC ‑ Great Britain362428363320DNFDNFDNF
40GER 1767BRUMMUNDT SebastianFUERSTENBERGER YC E.V. ‑ Germany3538434135DNF303436
41GBR 1685GREENWOOD LucyOXFORD SC ‑ Great Britain373738423936444543
43GBR 1258CRAVEN NickYORSHIRE DALES SC ‑ Great Britain454037404444423844
44NED 2373ENDE VincentZEILSCHOOL AALMEER ‑ The NetherlandsSCPSCPSCP444541393940
45OMA 2384GRAMKOW DirkRA AL HAMRA SC ‑ OmanDNF35SCP434342434341
46GBR 2057HILL SimonHAYLING ISLANG ISLANG SC ‑ Great Britain4442414648DNF414439
47NED 2189COLE MarkGWV DE VRIJBUITER ‑ The Netherlands40DNFDNF494239SCP4245
48USA 2387SOLNICK DavidSEBAGO ‑ United States Of America43UFD3947474340DNFDNF
49AUT 2389TSCHIDA ChristianYC THERESIANISCHE MILAK ‑ AustriaDNF43455250DNF474646
52CZE 1826BRYX PetrCzech RepublicDNFDNFDNF4849DNF48DNFDNF

9 rig results after day 3:

PosSail NoHelmClubR1R2R3R4R5R6R7R8R9Pts
1USA 1818JACOBI MarcCEDAR POINT YC ‑ United States Of America1113121117
2GBR 1551WILLIS LiamLYMINGTON TOWN SC ‑ Great BritainSCP2266122214
3GBR 1637BARTLETT GregSTARCROSS YC ‑ Great Britain74412333319
4GBR 1744THURSFIELD MattCHELMARSH SC ‑ Great Britain43325544424
5GBR 1489FREELAND TobyDOWNS SC ‑ Great Britain35643666633
6GBR 1171WRIGHT FfinloISLE OF MAN YC ‑ Great Britain106754457838
7USA 2390THIRUMALAI MadhavanCEDAR POINT YC ‑ United States Of America1288DSQj7795549
8EST 1086POOPUU GertPIRITA SVERTPAADIKLUBI ‑ Estonia131010999891064
10SWE 2072BATH ChristerROYAL GOTHENBURG YC ‑ Sweden81111811127151268
11GBR 2318HOOD JimLYMINGTON TOWN SC ‑ Great Britain1114DNF12138148773
12AUS 2133REFFOLD SimonBALMORAL SC ‑ Australia16DNFDNF10101013131183
13NED 1869VOS GerardWSV GIESBEEK ‑ The Netherlands14131214121112101383
17GBR 2168BURDALL OliverNORFOLK BROADS YC ‑ Great Britain1912DNF111415DNCDNCDNC115

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