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Lymington Town Sailing Club Early Points Series - Race 2

by Alastair Beeton 12 Mar 2013 10:32 GMT 10 March 2013
Fast Fleet winners, Geoff Havers and Lewis Brown, in the Early Points Series race 2 © Alastair Beeton

Race 2 of Lymington Town Sailing Club's Early Points Series got underway with a biting 15 knots north-easterly wind and rapidly building ebb tide. The starting sequence was slightly delayed to enable boats to get to the starting area.

With the fast fleet getting off without incident, the medium fleet saw a faultless start from Richard Russell, in his RS100, and Mark Barwell, in the Merlin Rocket. Timing their start to perfection they were a whisker from being 'On Course Side' at the signal.

Once underway the fleets were sent up wind to 'Jack in the Basket' and from there to Colten before a reach to Walbank. This was followed by a quick sausage for the fast fleet, between Black & Orange and a movable mark. Almost all boats went well inshore on the up wind legs with many kites being popped between Jack in the Basket and Colten.

With the wind increasing to around 20 knots, and the strong tide, the Colten to Walbank leg proved too shy for kites. During the second lap the wind built resulting in a few capsizes including Matthew Thomas and Steve Nicholas, in their RS400, who laid on a capsize drill demonstration just off the committee boat.

With the support boats busy and a few competitors calling it a day, the course was shortened, allowing the finishers to head to the club house before the cold set in.

With no finishers in the slow fleet, the 29er sailed by Geoff Havers and Lewis Brown took line honours in the fast fleet, with Mark Barwell and Louise Johnson, in their Merlin Rocket, crossing the line first in the medium fleet.

Race 2 results after corrected time were: Fast Fleet 1st Geoff Havers and Lewis Brown (29er), 2nd John Cooper and Becci Wigley (RS400), 3rd Kevin Podger and Pete Conway (RS400). Medium Fleet 1st Mark Barwell and Louise Johnson (Merlin Rocket), 2nd Matthew Podger (Laser), 3rd Stuart Watson (Blaze).

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