Jack Holt. OBE 1912-1995
by Dougal Henshall 18 Apr 2012 08:27 BST
18 April 1912

Jack Holt, with wife Iris and one of Jack's Merlin dinghies 'Fiddlesticks' © The Holt Family
Today marks the Centenary of the birth of Jack Holt, the single biggest influence on the sport of dinghy sailing. A quiet and unassuming man, Jack was far more than just a superb boatbuilder, for he was also a far sighted innovator and a designer with a practiced eye for design and practicality.
However, his biggest legacy is in the way he developed boats that would bring dinghy sailing out to a far wider public. Jack was also an early exponent of the ‘one stop shop’, as at the peak of his popularity, Jack Holt Ltd could offer the boat plus fittings, masts and sails.
Today, many of his designs retain their popularity, both here and worldwide, as will be highlighted in the number of Holt celebration events planned for this year.