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Moths at St Edmundsbury Sailing & Canoeing Association

by Gary Tompkins 7 May 2011 06:50 BST 30 April - 1 May 2011

British Moths returned to S.E.S.C.A. Nr Bury St Edmunds... the most easterly venue in the Somerville Trophy circuit after the 2010 event was cancelled due to weed problems. Visitors from Frampton-on- Severn, Medley and Hunts joined the local B.M. Fleet for the 2 day event – experiencing very strong gusty winds and warm Suffolk sunshine all weekend.


The first race began the pattern that was continued all weekend. Tim Davison (Medley) and Roger Witts (Frampton) swapped places over 5 laps with Davison building a good lead and winning comfortably with Witts 2nd. 2010 Junior Champion Tim Lupton in his re-tuned boat from SESCA was third.

Race 2 saw some very close racing with Tim again winning. Witts got into difficulties at the start and was last at the windward mark. Mike Steele from SESCA sailing a Moth for the first time held second place throughout. Witts working thro the pack closed down on Steele on the final leg but Steele hung on in a close tacking duel to head the 2010 Champion.

In Race 3 Tim Davison took his 3rd win. Roger Witts lead from the start and for the first 2 laps and duelled with Davison before conceding to the flying Davison. 2010 Junior Champion Tim Lupton challenged Witts on the final leg but had to settle for 3rd place.

Race 4 saw Tim make a clean sweep with his fourth win of the day. Witts again showed well on the first beat but this time Lupton, s offwind speed and new found upwind speed allowed him to squeeze ahead of Witts.

A well deserved win for Tim Davison who was consistent in the very testing conditions.

The fleet enjoyed an evening meal joined by other club members with live music provided by Rock of Ages and Spiced Rum by Roger Witts – which some came to regret the next day !


Witts got serious on Sunday, putting his Classic Moth 790 back on the trailer and unwrapping 880.With the wind increasing from Saturday and white caps covering most of this pretty venue the valiant headed out for Race 1. Tim Davison, Witts and Lupton were at it again and all revelling in the conditions. Lightweights Richard Keefe and Gary Tomkins were also very well placed in the early stages before fading. Davison took the win with Witts narrowly heading Lupton following a large shift on the final beat.

In Race 2 saw Witts eventually score his first bullet of the weekend pushing Davison back into 2nd place. Lupton was 3rd after a spectacular capsize with a near perfect San Francisco Roll! Colin Hall now all Carbon equipped was on the pace initially and lead from the start and headed the fleet for a lap. As the wind increased he was overhauled by Witts, Davison and then Lupton and ended up 4th.

With flat water and strong winds the Moths put on a real show for the spectators with some fantastic planing action achieving speeds seldom seen from these light wind specialist boats.

The final race of the day also went to Witts who won by some margin. Davison capsized and Lupton was close enough to capitalise and take 2nd place, Davison was 3rd with Hall 4th.

Despite the lower than expected entry [some wedding the day before apparently!] there were a total of 3 National Champions and the current Junior Champion in the entry who with the local Fleet enjoyed fantastically close racing in the boisterous gusty conditions. All with the exception of Witts improved their swimming skills over the weekend.

Excellent Race management by SESCA and Hospitality par excellence.

Saturday Results:

1st 846, Tim Davison (Medley S.C.)-Clark Hull, Proctor C, S/Spars Carbon Boom
2nd 790, Roger Witts (FOSSC)-Skinner Hull-wood, Proctor C/ S/Spars Al Boom
3rd 818, Tim Lupton (SESCA)-Skinner Hull, Needlespar/ S/Spars Boom
4th 856, Colin Hall (Hunts S.C.)-BMBA-FRP Hull, Aardvark Carbon/Hall Boom
5th 817, Richard Keefe (SESCA)-Clark Hull, Aardvark all carbon rig
6th 862, Gary Tompkins (SESCA)-Skinner All GR, S/Spars Alloy spars
7th 783, Mike Steele (SESCA)-Skinner Hull, Needlespar/ S/Spars Boom
8th 783, Abby Freeley (SESCA-Skinner Hull, Needlespar/ S/Spars Boom

Sunday Results:

1st 880, Roger Witts (FOSSC)-Claridge FRP, Selden all Carbon Spars
2nd 846, Tim Davison (Medley S.C.)-As above
3rd 818, Tim Lupton (SESCA)- As above
4th 856, Colin Hall (Hunts S.C.)-As above
5th 862, Gary Tompkins (SESCA)-As above
6th 817, Richard Keefe (SESCA)-As above
7th 783, Abby Freeley (SESCA)-As above

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