George Barker to represent K6 class at Keelboat Endeavour Trophy
by John Tabor 17 Jan 15:50 GMT
22-23 March 2025

Harry and George Barker - K6 Inland Championships at Oxford © Adrian Howe
2024 K6 National Champion, George Barker, will be representing the Class in this year's prestigious Keelboat Endeavour Trophy. This annual trophy, hosted by Royal Corinthian YC, will be held on 22nd and 23rd March. Oxford SC member George, will be supported by crew James Bennett and Bertie and Harry Barker.
The event consists of a 2-day series of "round robin" short course fleet racing in matched 707 keelboats. With a target time of 15 minutes per race the emphasis is on as many short races as quickly as possible, resulting in up to 25 exciting, high-speed, close-quarter races.
For information about the K6 visit