Cowes Classics Week signing-on process moves online
by Steve Vyse, Cowes Classic Week 22 Jun 2024 14:21 BST
6-12 July 2024

Cowes Classics Week signing-on process moves online © Cowes Classics Week
Rather than sending you a form that needed to be printed and completed at home, and then lost to a soggy mess in the bilges on your way to Cowes, you can now provide all the required sign-on information online.
All we ask is that your required details are all submitted before you attend the Regatta Race Office to collect your Race Pack. If your form isn't complete, then our lovely Race Office ladies will have to keep your pack behind the desk until all the details are present and correct!
To make the process even easier, you do not need to complete the form in one go as you can return to complete missing details or perhaps make a crew change right up until Regatta Registration closes, pressing the 'Save Signing-On Form' button each time to save your details so far.
The form is pre-populated with the information we have about your regatta entry for you to check, before entering details of your crew and digitally signing the declaration which is part of the regatta entry conditions (Notice of Race 3.4).
To find your signing-on form you must first 'LOG IN' to the website. Once logged in the 'Signing-On' form can be found in the main menu under 'MY REGATTA' or there's another link to the form from the regatta Official Notice Board.
Why would you submit skipper/helm/crew ages?
The David Gower Bowl will be awarded to the youngest average age crew (which includes everybody aboard whilst racing), subject to an upper individual age limit of 45. If you wish to participate in this trophy, make sure you enter crew ages (otherwise just leave the age field empty). Ages for this trophy can only be submitted using the online form and until regatta registration closes.
Crew Finder
There is a WhatsApp group running that's focussed on bringing boats and crews together, so if you are a skipper looking for crew, or crew looking for a boat, then the CCW'24 Crewfinder group is where you need to be (QR code on the website here).
Still Time to Enter
For those who have yet to enter the regatta I would urge you to do so. Organising the racing is no easy task and understanding the shape of the various fleets is clearly an essential, so although we do of course welcome weather-watching skippers delaying entering as late as possible, this does not make the task of presenting the best possible racing any easier for our race team. Pull the trigger today and enjoy what we have heard being referred to as "The Classics event of 2024".