RS200 Training at Yorkshire Dales Sailing Club
by Erica Caswell 12 Mar 2024 12:34 GMT
Yorkshire Dales Sailing Club have taken advantage of the RS200 Class Association's offer of £150 Training Grants to help towards funding Open Training, having successfully applied for a series of three grants.
Rose Jury, one of the instigators, had this to say:
"We saw that the class was providing financial support for clubs to run their own training. There are a number of keen young RS200 sailors at Yorkshire Dales and other clubs in the North so we decided to see if we could organise our own training events. With the help of Erica Caswell, top RS400 (previously RS200) sailors, Ollie Groves and Esther Parkhurst, enthusiastically agreed to run three weekends over the winter.
"We trained across a range of weather conditions (but mostly mega windy!), working on our boat handling, particularly gybes, drops and hoists as well as boat speed and slow boat handling. Ollie and Esther both have a huge amount of knowledge and shared as much of it as they could with us, offering great advice and feedback on everything from basic boat setup to the complexities of gybe timing. We all had a brilliant time and are eager to put these skills into practice."
There have been eight boats at each weekend, five of them having attended all three weekends, and a total of 20 sailors have been involved.
Enthusiasm, eagerness to learn, commitment and great skills were present throughout and were rewarded with tangible improvements, particularly in strong wind gybing, and greater confidence amongst all participants. A number of them have already entered the Noble Marine Marlow RS200 National's at Mounts Bay in August so watch out, the Northerners are coming!
Yorkshire Dales are hosting a Sailing Chandlery RS200 Northern Tour event on the 11th/12th May, a strong home fleet is expected!
If you would like to apply for a grant to run RS training at your club, please contact \