An Introduction to JOG Yacht Racing
by Henri-Lloyd 7 Mar 16:23 GMT
An introduction to JOG yacht racing
When you think of JOG or JOGgers, sailing doesn't instantly come to mind but, in reality, this is a thriving group of yacht racers who have an active calendar and a strong community. If you want to get into yacht racing, JOG is a great place to start! The ethos of JOG is very much built around supporting each other, with performance tips, as well as the odd sailing yarn, freely shared amongst fellow sailors. Membership and entry fees for events are kept low to encourage participation, and the atmosphere is welcoming and friendly.
The JOG calendar is comprehensive and can be found at and is broken into two parts: a Coastal Series and Offshore Series. Sailors are free to do as much, or as little, of the schedule as they wish, and sometimes the destinations may change due to prevailing weather conditions.
A must though on the calendar is the Henri-Lloyd Solent Race on 28th & 29th September! If this sounds like your kind of racing, then find out more at
Henri-Lloyd 29 John Dalton Street Manchester, M2 6FW