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42nd Hamble Winter Series - Week 8 & Overall

by Trevor Pountain 6 Dec 2023 14:03 GMT 3 December 2023

Mike Yates, JAGO, declared Sunday's race: "A great end to the series, apart from the cold and rain!" Cold and wet it certainly was.

Turkey, cranberry and stuffing sausage rolls were added to the normal coffee and Calvados on Hot Rats, Robbie and Lis Robinson, to keep spirits up as they headed to the start area. With Alacrity, Chris and Vanessa Choules, used Father Christmas hats to keep the worst of the weather at bay.

Getting up to go afloat at this time of the year takes a certain commitment from all involved. A special mention however, must go to the skippers who attended the RORC Dinner and Prize Giving in London on Saturday night. JAGO, Wavetrain and With Alacrity, were all spotted in black ties and posh frocks at the London Marriot Hotel, Grosvenor Square, on Sunday's social media posts. Gavin Howe it seems got to bed at 5.00 am and still made the start line on time.

Information from the race course mentioned cross tide starts, left shifts, pin end favoured, VMG runs, 20 seconds of 20 knots, pinching up and didn't quite lay it. All very interesting stuff, but on Week 8 what we really want to know is, who won what?

We'll start with IRC 2, where we have the first ever class win for a J99 in the Hamble Winter Series. Indeed, there were four J99s in the class, but the winning yacht was Jump 2 it, Kevin Taylor. Jump 2 it, sailed a really solid series, never being off the podium in nine races and scoring four first places. Sunday's first place left them with a total of 11 points. Triarchy, Arcona 380, Oliver Reynolds, came second with 13 points. They battled with Jump 2 it all series.

They were also never off the podium and had they beaten Jump 2 it into second on Sunday, we would have been into count back territory. As it was they were 13 seconds back on corrected time. That's a long time in a race series! Keeping the first two yachts on their toes was Gavin Howe's Wavetrain. Wavetrain ended up with 16 points.

In IRC 3, JAGO, J109, Mike and Susie Yates had a slightly easier time in wrapping up first place. In Sunday's race they grabbed their fifth bullet and ended up with a total of 9 points. Second on Sunday, some 2 minutes 34 seconds behind on corrected time was J'ronimo, J109, David Greenhalgh. This put J'ronimo clear in second overall on 16 points. The battle for third place in IRC 3 was a bit more hotly contested. In the end Mojo risin, J109, Rob Cotterill on 24 points, held off With Alacrity, Sigma 38, Chris and Vanessa Choules on 27 points. A tantalising point back from WA was Hot Rats, First 35, Robbie and Lis Robinson.

Protis, the Fauroux designed Quarter Tonner, Team Hamble, cleaned up in IRC 4, with a stunning 7 point total. Team Hamble is of course the collective for Ian Southworth's motely bunch of Hamble based sailors. In addition to Ian, Led Pritchard, Tim Thubron, Mike Stannard and Tony Kilby made up the" Team" on Sunday. They were only beaten once on corrected time by Banter, Ian Handley and Tim James, last week and they quickly discarded that!

Banter, safe in second overall with 16 points, decided against going out on Sunday in the wet and went instead for the Christmas sweater and Chinos look at the prize-giving!

Third overall in this 17 boat fleet, was Quokka 9, James Crew, on 27 points. The Andrieu designed Half Tonner had a couple of gear issues in races 8 and 9 which stopped them placing higher.

Back in the HRSC Clubhouse the prizes were given out alongside mulled wine and mince pies. Cheesy Chips were also available and it seems these were keeping Gavin Howe awake.

Boatcare, part of the Boatfolk group, were the day sponsor on Sunday and Richard Jesshope presented the prizes. First boat in each class received a certificate for a free racing scrub at Deacon's and a bottle of wine. More wine was presented to the rest of the podium places.

This was followed by Commodore, Serena Alexander, presenting the overall glassware prizes. Then, the Paul Heys Trophy, for the best performing J-boat, was given to JAGO, Mike and Susie Yates, for the second year running. Finally, the Yacht of the Series Trophy was awarded to Protis, Team Hamble.

Next year's dates for the Hamble Winter Series, the Hamble IRC Autumn Championships and the Hamble One Design Championships can be found at

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