Most frequently asked watersports questions
by Vaikobi 7 Oct 2023 21:20 BST

Level up your cold water game by selecting the right Vaikobi thermal top for the conditions © Vaikobi
Our five most asked questions... by ocean addicts around the world:
All Vaikobi PFDs are super lightweight and comfortable, but to choose the best life jacket style for your needs, please check out the information and videos on paddling PFDs and sailing PFDs.
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Vaikobi's UV range is designed to provide SPF50+ sun protection for ocean addicts who need to train and race in bright sunlight for long periods of time. You might want to check out our article on Why you need a UV protective rashie. And don't forget to protect your eyes and face on the water with our range of sunglasses and hats
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Many of our athletes continue to train in cold conditions wearing Vaikobi gear. Please view our VCOLD and FlexForce collections, which are designed for temperature control in cool to cold conditions. Water shoes, neoprene socks and sailing boots helps retain heat too.
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Vaikobi clothing, boots, accessories and equipment should be washed in a cold gentle machine cycle with a small amount of gentle detergent, then dried in the shade. All garments include a care label sewn into the seam. For any concerns about caring for your watersports gear, please contact our sales team.
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The short answer is no. PFDs, life vests and Life Jackets do not have official expiry dates. However frequent use, wear and tear, and prolonged exposure to the elements eventually make life jackets unfit for use. The article below explains how you can check if your life jacket needs replacing.