4th and final round of the OMJ Platu Championship of Thailand 2023.
by Kev Scott, Ferrett News 19 Sep 2023 10:29 BST
15-17 September 2023

Platu Championship of Thailand sponsored by FLS © Ferret News
Eight competitive crews lined up for the start on day one in excellent conditions. Sunshine, azure blue seas, and breeze from 8 to 14 knots: what more could you ask for?
K. Ithinai brought out his two boats and it was good to see he brought along a world class trimmer who proved that speed comes from good sails as well as good tactics in ever changing wind directions. First in almost every race, and it was good for the other competitors to have an idea of what is possible.
Good to see some new friends from Malaysia in the shape of Ku Anas and his university team. Let’s hope they will be back for more. They showed great speed at times, finishing third in the all-important medal race.
As usual, day 1 included a practice race and one drop score so that crews could settle down before the truly competitive racing started.
Day 2 had a few problems with wind shifts, but the RO managed to run four races, and the leader board was beginning to take shape. Boats 257, 027, 154 and 124 were all very close, and so it was far too early to guess who would be on the podium.
Day 3 provided near-perfect racing. Winds ranged from 8 to 18 knots throughout the day with 15-to-20-degree oscillations. With a tide and a bit of sea state to take into account, tacticians had to be very alert.
One standout boat was Platu 117, Stingray. This was a training boat, with one experienced skipper plus four eager but inexperienced crew. They were concerned that they might not be fast enough to race, and even dropped out of race 1 because they were so far behind. But then they soon got the hang of it and produced a 4 a 3 and a 2 to amaze everyone! Well done Bon for your perseverance and patience to bring out some amazing results. Good to see they won the “stand out boat of the regatta” award for their efforts.
6 races were run on day three so that everyone had a chance to move up the board.
The medal race with double points always produces a frantic start and this was no exception. A fluky wind direction change just 40 seconds before the start suggested that a port start might be necessary, and the RO was ready to “pull the plug’ only for the wind to come back and allow the start to go ahead. But not before three boats had decided to approach on port which created a very stressful situation with six boats almost stopped and pointing in all sorts of directions trying to get away. Not an ideal situation when double points are at stake. The course was three laps, and with winds reaching 18 knots and regularly changing direction the start was soon forgotten while full concentration was needed to sail fast in the right direction in such changeable conditions.
And so ended the fourth and final regatta of the OMJ Platu Championship of Thailand.
Crews were treated to beer and hot dogs every evening provided by FLS and Ocean Marina, and this definitely helped the usual friendly banter to prevail while the results were calculated.
Congratulations to Platu 257 Pine Pacific for achieving an almost perfect score to win the weekend. Doug Smith and his FLS crew performed really well, and came in second on 50 points with Platu 027, Easy Tiger, hard on their heels with 51 points. The overall Championship was also very closely fought. Easy Tiger were again the Champions, with Rolf Heemskerk second, followed closely by Doug Smith on FLS, The Ferret, Platu and 124 just one point behind.
And so the season ends. A truly exciting and closely fought Championship on these exciting One Design yachts.
Many thanks to:
Ocean Marina and Scott Finsten for their on and off water support
FLS for providing funds to promote the sport of sailing
K Thammasak, our very able Race Officer
Doug Smith for his behind-the-scenes assistance
The ladies in the Marina Office for all their help
The ladies at the bar for their efficient and ever smiling service
All the crews who make this Championship so successful and friendly.
For information on the 2024 season check out www.yachtsinthailand.com in the Platu Championship section. Also check out www.Platu25.com for international news.
257 25 points
124 50
027 51
154 54
117 74
118 75
258 81
122 82