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Bembridge SC Mid-September Keelboat Racing

by Mike Samuelson 18 Sep 2023 17:35 BST 16-17 September 2023

Two Redwings and five One-Designs came out to race on Saturday early afternoon in a mild swell generated by a reluctant 10 knot easterly.

BHYC had asked to use Garland, so a course was set a little further offshore with Fitzwilliam and Footprint at either end of a windward/leeward sausage. The start line was laid between the marks, and the two Redwings got cleanly away on a two-round race. Xander Shaw in Harlequin led initially, and kept the lead, as Henry Thorpe in Redwitch went very wide to the left side of the downwind leg. Henry, however, had better upwind boat speed, passed Xander on the next beat, and led home by a couple of minutes. A single round of the same course was set for race 2, and this time Henry led an uneventful race from start to finish.

The One-Designs were given a single round of the same course. Mark Grzegorczyk in No 9 tried his signature port tack start, but couldn't clear Charles Perry on starboard in No 5. Charles had to alter course, and Mark quickly took a 360 penalty. Back on port Mark headed inshore which proved a good move, and he led Sarah Marshall in No 7 at the windward mark. Next was Charles, then Tad Ross in No 8 and Hugh Doherty in No 10, and this remained the order at the finish. In race 2 Charles began to tack on to port just after starting but Mark was close to windward of him and had to take avoiding action, so this time it was Charles's turn to perform a 360 penalty. This set him back somewhat, and he never really got back on terms. Tad was on better form this time and led Mark up the beat and on the run. Mark couldn't catch him on the final beat so was second. Hugh followed, Sarah was fourth, with Charles then fifth.

Sunday's forecast was pretty dire and lived up to it in spades with torrential, and it really was torrential, rain with thunder & lightning, so not surprisingly it was N over A and the race officers headed home!

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