Maiden arrives in New York for a month-long stay focussed on girls' educational projects
by The Maiden Factor 3 Jun 2022 14:50 BST
1 June 2022

The Maiden crew, skippered by Liz Wardley, arrive in New York © The Maiden Factor / 2022 NewYorkMediaBoat
Maiden sailed into New York on Wednesday 1 June and was meet by a flotilla of boats at the
iconic Statue of Liberty at around 1700hrs and escorted in to One 15 Brooklyn Marina.
In New
York for the month of June, Maiden will be host to visits by children from schools, various girls'
organisations and charities; the crew will also participate in STEM events with sailing clubs and
there will also be boat tours, fundraising events as well as a screening of the award winning
documentary 'Maiden' to be held at Pier 17, South Street Seaport Museum on 13 June 2022.
(a full schedule of events and activities below - click on link)
Together with title sponsor, DP World, Maiden and her new crew will build on the successes of
the previous World Tour, raising awareness and funds for girls' educational projects around the
world and changing the narrative around what a girl can achieve. Engaging with school children,
charities, outreach programmes and organisations that are committed to inspiring and
empowering girls through education with a particular focus on STEM.
Never has the education of girls been so important; over 130 million girls are not in education
and after the pandemic and conflict around the world, it is estimated that an additional 11m+
girls will not return to school or be able to access distance learning opportunities. This will impact
the most vulnerable girls throughout the world, impacting their lives now and in the future.
Maiden's vision is a world where every girl has access to 12 years of quality education; equipping
them to choose their future and fulfil their dreams.
Maiden began the new three year world tour in Dubai in December; to date she has made her
way through the Suez Canal with a stop in Palma, Majorca for final preparations for the Trans-
Atlantic crossing; arriving in Miami at the end of April 2021 and then sailing the East Coast with
stopover hubs in Miami, Charleston, Annapolis, Nauticus, New York, Kingston, Long Island,
Saint John (Canada) and back to Newport. In October 2022 Maiden will sail to the Azores and
on to Dakar and finishing the first year of the world tour at sea between stopovers from Cape
Town to Maputo, Mozambique.