Whitstable Yacht Club Discover Sailing Day
by Steve Gray 23 May 2022 06:11 BST
21 May 2022

Whitstable Yacht Club Discover Sailing Day © Steve Gray
Whitstable Yacht Club held its annual open day under the RYA's Discover Sailing banner on Saturday May 21st. The weather was warm and sunny with light winds making conditions ideal for the 96 clients who had signed up online to experience sailing and WYC, many for the first time.
Clients were provided with a 30 minute sail in one of a variety of boats ranging from Topaz to Dart 18 provided and hosted by club members and club instructors. The club house was open all day and clients were provided with refreshments which gave them the opportunity to experience the facilities the club provides, meet members who answered any questions they may have and to take advantage of some great membership offers.
Judging from the smiling faces coming off the water the sailing was appreciated by all, and a good number of new members joined on the day, with many more taking away joining packs.
The event was the result of considerable planning by the WYC training and development team who brought together a large number of members who volunteered their time to ensure the day was a success.