The Green Blue at Southampton International Boat Show
by Emma Cotton 10 Sep 2021 09:00 BST
10-19 September 2021

Kate at SIBS 2019 © RYA
The Green Blue to bring message of sustainability to Southampton International Boat Show 2021.
For the first time, the Royal Yachting Association and British Marine's environmental programme, The Green Blue, will be joining the exciting list of exhibitors at this year's Southampton International Boat Show (10 - 19 September).
Visitors to The Green Blue stand (J117) in Ocean Hall will be able to pick up practical tips and advice for increasing the sustainability of their boating, as well as view product samples from The Green Blue's online Business Directory, which features alternative sustainable products and services for water users.
As well as raising awareness about sustainable boating, The Green Blue will also be sharing news on the LIFE ReMEDIES Seagrass Project. The project, which is a partnership between Natural England, the Ocean Conservation Trust, the Marine Conservation Society and Plymouth City Council, aims to restore seagrass beds through re-seeding and education.
Visitors to The Green Blue stand will be able to gain a taste of the re-seeding process with the stand's hands-on activity - Wildflower Seed Bombs. Visitors will be invited to mimic the re-seeding process practised by the project by making a mixture of seeds, soil and clay, and placing it in a hessian bag to take away and plant at home.
The Green Blue will also be featuring on the Foredeck Stage at various intervals across the 10-day event. As supporters of the Southampton International Boat Show Exhibitor Environmental Award, the programme's Ambassador, Mike Golding OBE, will be presenting the award to the successful exhibitors on Friday (10th).
Monday (13th) will see the launch of the Single-Use Plastic Free Accreditation, a joint initiative between The Green Blue and The Final Straw Foundation. This accreditation is to give recognition and guidance to inland and marine clubs, centres and boating businesses on eliminating single-use plastic items, with a Bronze, Silver and Gold certification level that can be achieved.
Commenting on the upcoming Boat Show, Kate Fortnam, The Green Blue Campaign Manager, said: "The Green Blue has been involved with the Southampton International Boat Show since its launch at the Show in 2005, delivering talks on sustainable boating to supporting the Show in developing the Exhibitor Sustainability Pledge and Awards. The Green Blue is excited to have a stand at the Show this year and the team is really looking forward to chatting with the visitors and sharing sustainable boating advice, resources and discussing the alternative products that we have available on The Green Blue Business Directory."
Visitors to the Show are also reminded that as you travel around the site to keep a lookout for The Green Blue's sustainable boating advice signs that are displayed across each area of the Show's zones.
Throughout the Southampton International Boat Show (10 - 19 September) you can find The Green Blue stand located on exhibit J117 in Ocean Hall. The Green Blue will also be on The Foredeck Stage as part of the following talks:
Friday 10th
11am – 12.30pm
Southampton International Boat Show Exhibitor Environmental Award
Sunday 12th
LIFE ReMEDIES Project, ‘Sustainable Anchoring and Mooring’
Monday 13th
1.30pm – 2.30pm
Launch of the Single-Use Plastic Free Accreditation - for inland and coastal clubs, centres and boating businesses, with The Final Straw Foundation
Wednesday 15th
1pm – 2pm
Launch of the Clean Marina Program – Environmental Standard, with The Yacht Harbour Association
Friday 17th
11.30am – 12.30pm
Environment Panel Discussion
The Green Blue is a joint environment programme between the RYA and British Marine to encourage a more sustainable recreational boating sector.
To find out more about The Green Blue visit