Mersea Week 2020: Current Plans
by Celyn Evans 19 Apr 2020 13:49 BST
16-21 August 2020
Mersea Week 2019 © Chrissie Westgate
The Mersea Week committee, on behalf of the West Mersea Yacht Club and Dabchicks Sailing Club, confirms that plans are still in place to run Mersea Week 2020 during August (16th-21st August 2020).
The committee continues to work tirelessly towards running another successful regatta and social week which for many is considered the highlight of the year.
In light of the current global Covid-19 pandemic and national restrictions imposed by the UK government, entries for this year’s event have not yet
opened and the organising committee will continue to monitor the situation and to update you all in the coming weeks.
With four months before the start of the event, we hope that many of you will be able to make plans to get yourselves and your craft afloat.
We are proud to be part of such an iconic and successful regatta and hope to be able to celebrate with you all during the week.
We also hope that the social events we are planning for the week will provide the perfect opportunity to refuel and look forward to the future after
what so far has been a challenging year.
Celyn Evans, Chairman – Mersea Week 2020
To find out more information about our regatta please visit