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53rd Warming Pan at Hamble River Sailing Club

by Trevor Pountain 26 Mar 2015 16:03 GMT 21 March 2015

A cool North Easterly breeze of 15kts welcomed competitors to the 53rd Warming Pan on Saturday 21 March 2015. Race Officer Kathy Smalley set a course in the river with a downwind start off the club line as there is considerably less space to beat in the Hamble than there was in 1962. Regular visitors to the event, Merlin Rockets and Fireflys were joined by the ubiquitous Hamble Foxer fleet.

The Foxers, sailing in the Warsash pooloff their own line, managed four back to back races. With Rob and Libby in the Southern Ocean it was left to brother Peter Greenhalgh to maintain the family tradition. Despite having a problem recalling his sail number at registration (it's 39 Peter!), he had no such issue in remembering his way round the course. Posting three 1st places and one tied first place with James Rowland, he even managed to luff the Hamble Warsash Ferry, so complete was his command of the river. James "Jay" Rowland came second with Shaun Barber, who only flew into Heathrow that morning, third. Shaun made the start thanks to Peter Greenhalgh rigging his boat – nice people these Foxer sailors.

In the Fireflys it was a case of these girls can with "Willow", Lucy Boreman and Rachel Crebbin pushing "Tangle Foot", Stuart Hudson and Emily Saunders and "FLO" Nigel Wakefield and George Richards into second and third on count back. Club Vice – Commodore Barney Smith and his crew Audrey Knight blew their chances of a podium when a jib sheet got caught whilst leading race two. They managed to stay upright but got very wet feet.

19 Merlin Rockets travelled to their annual Silver Tiller event at HRSC and great sight they were too starting down wind and surfing in the gusts. After a general recall, followed by a black flag in Race one, the fleet settled down and behaved themselves. Sam Pascoe and Alex Adams in "Red Misters" posted two first places whilst discarding a sixth to win the event. "Stanley", Nick Graig and Tom Pygall were second with "Faithless", Richard Whitworth and Andy Douglas third.

Overall Results: (top three)

Merlin Rocket
1st Red Misters – Sam Pascoe and Alex Adams, 2pts
2nd Stanley – Nick Graig and Tom Pygall, 5pts
3rd Faithless – Richard Whitworth and Andy Douglas, 7pts

1st Willow – Lucy Boreman and Rachel Crebbin, 4pts
2nd Tangle Foot – Stuart Hudson and Emily Saunders, 4pts
3rd FLO – Nigel Wakefield and George Richards, 4pts

1st 39 – Peter Greenhalgh, 3pts
2nd 33 – James Rowland, 6.5pts
3rd 67 – Shaun Barber, 7pts

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