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Allen Through Deck Fairlead

Marblehead Christmas Open Meeting at Birkenhead

by UK M Class 22 Dec 2014 13:03 GMT 21 December 2014

The UK Marblehead season calendar for 2014 drew to a close with 12 skippers tackling strong Northwest winds at the Birkenhead Christmas Open.

There was indecision in the clubhouse prior to the 11am start as to which rig skippers would go with for the conditions with 15 -25 knot winds gusting down the length of the lake, ideal for fast open racing. In the end a mixture of C2 & C3 rigs took to the course with Guildford skipper Terry Rensch leading all the way to win with his Quark in the smaller C3 Rig, revelling in the fresh conditions.

Onwards and with a few small tweaks and some lakeside pit work the fleet managed to get 7 races in before lunch where current World Champion Brad Gibson laid down some solid results with his 'Pimped' Bantock Paradox design to hold a small lead from Darin Ballington's Rok and 2006 World Champion Martin Roberts sailing his Starkers Squared.

After a hearty chilli lunch, skippers returned for another 7 fast and furious races with the wind holding its strength throughout the day. A fired up Roberts was putting together a display of fine heavy weather sailing after the break, taking the challenge to Gibson where the two skippers often raced at speed with little more than a boat length separation over the full course.

As the afternoon settled, it was these two who drew away from Darin Ballington in 3rd place. Terry Rensch put in a fine days racing to record a well deserved 4th and after consistent afternoon placings including an all the way win in race 9, Victoria Gibson with another 'Pimped' Paradox rounded out the top 5.

As the racing came to a close on the years shortest day, skippers retired to the clubhouse where prizes were awarded to all competitors for their impeccable 'Christmas spirit' conduct on the water, along with thanks to our race team of Bernie McNulty, Jack Turner and Joyce Roberts.

The class now looks forward to 2015 with a full calendar of racing planned across the country.

We would like to take the opportunity to wish all skippers across the country a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year where we look forward to seeing you on the water.

Results (after 14 races with 2 discards):

1st. Brad Gibson, Paradox, 19pts
2nd. Martin Roberts, Starkers Squared, 22pts
3rd. Darin Ballington, Rok, 37pts
4th. Terry Rensch, Quark, 51pts
5th. Victoria Gibson, Paradox, 54pts
6th. Bill Culshaw, Starkers Cubed, 60pts
7th. Graham Whalley, Starkers Cubed, 85pts
8th. Graham Birkett, Starkers Cubed, 93pts
9th. David Alston, Starkers, 101pts
10th. Tim Long, Gothic, 103pts
11th. Tracey Ballington, Starkers Squared, 107pts
12th. Neil Westbrook, Starkers 143

Best presented Xmas boat. Graham Whalley

For all information on the big season we have planned for 2015 and anything Marblehead, go to the UK M Class website at or follow us on Twitter: @MarbleheadUK

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