How to choose the right dinghy for you?
by Ollie Acton, Ocean Elements 1 Dec 2014 14:22 GMT
1 December 2014

Laser Picos © Ocean Elements
Dinghies come in a vast range of sizes and uses, from beginner tubs to carbon racing machines there is a huge array to choose from. Ocean Elements have put together a list of some different dinghies you're likely to find at the local club or whilst on a sailing holiday.
One of the smaller dinghies, the Pico is designed as a training boat and perfect for beginner adults and children. Its simplicity and ease of use means you'll be having a lot of fun in this boat in no time at all! Kids can double up in the Pico which makes learning and exploring the waters twice as enjoyable. With its super durable construction many water sports centres use it for their RYA Level 1 sailing course.
The Laser is regarded as one of the most popular single-handed dinghies in the world. Also known as the Laser 1, the boat is perfect for almost all abilities and ages due to its sheer simplicity. After gaining some experience in the Pico dinghy sailors can move straight into the Laser and continually progress from there. To sail a laser as efficiently as possible is physically demanding and highly technical, which is why it is one of the boats used in the Olympic Games. Check out this video of some awesome laser sailing action!
Topaz C16
The Topaz 16 Catamaran is a very exciting boat which is designed for a crew of two. Get out in a decent breeze and this boat will absolutely fly! The fast, fun and easy to handle nature of this Cat makes it perfect for the early intermediate to advanced sailor. This vessel is designed for a crew of two, however there is no harm in taking the family out for a joyride in this boat!
Laser Bahia
The Bahia is a dinghy designed with stability, safety and performance in mind. With a stable and spacious cockpit, the Laser Bahia features a clutter-free space for up to five adults. Inboard seats and controllable power allow the sailor to feel safe and secure throughout the ride. Should you capsize, the Laser Bahia is slow to invert, easy to right and re-board!
RS Aero
The new toy! The all-new RS Aero which is taking the dinghy world by storm, a simple, super-light hull and rig but is not too extreme. Owner James Hardiman of Ocean Elements, the beach club holiday company, has been testing the RS Aero for a while now and here is what he has to say, 'it really is a true game changer of a boat. We will be the first and only beach club to offer the Aero, this boat completely re-sets the standard.' The high tech materials of the RS Aero makes its super user-friendly on-shore and really easy to handle on the water!