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Harken 14mm Lead Ring - 3271

Funding Boost for Queen Mary Sailing Club

by Tony Bishop 24 May 2014 08:07 BST 24 May 2014
Queen Mary Sailing Club celebrates a £48,457.00 funding boost from SITA Trust © Tony Bishop

Queen Mary Sailing Club is celebrating the news that it has received a £48,457.00 funding boost from SITA Trust for their project "Making Sailing More Accessible at Queen Mary".

Funding will allow the purchase of sailing equipment to allow more people to get involved with sailing and windsurfing at QMSC. Backing this equipment up with an increased number of courses, a pathway for beginners to get into regular sailing, and an increased number of sessions to ensure retention in the sport. Supported by coaching days aimed at increasing the retention of people in the sport, including youth and adult race training, windsurf coaching and coach support for social sailing a the club.

Andrew Craig, Commodore, commented, "This funding will have a significant impact for our members, for people wanting to start sailing and for all the activities we do at Queen Mary. We are delighted to receive this award from SITA, it is a considerable amount and the club is truly grateful."

Marek Gordon CEO and Chairman of SITA Trust added "We are delighted to have been able to support this project through the Landfill Communities Fund. This important source of funding has been available since 1997 and has provided such worthy projects with more than £1.2 billion."

SITA Trust provides funding through the Landfill Communities Fund. Funding is available for projects that enhance communities and enrich nature.

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