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Be calm before the storm with Nautical ID – simple and effective protection for your boat

by Kirk Hoatson 17 Mar 2022 14:00 GMT
Narrowboat © Nautical ID

The 2022 storms that hit the country, highlighted the importance of securing your boat when the forecast looks ugly, and part of this forward-planning to batten down the hatches, should include purchasing your Nautical ID membership. Nautical ID provides a fast and efficient way to contact the boat owner in the event of an emergency allowing any witness to send you a text message instantly via a personalised QR code.

During the recent storms, social media was awash with boat owners alerting people to damaged boats, hoping to find absent owners, as well as owners proclaiming, "If only I'd known earlier". With Nautical ID witnesses could have alerted boat owners instantly saving potentially thousands of pounds' worth of damage and insurance claims.

Across most of the UK, gales are a rare event (thankfully), so we aren't always well prepared when they hit. But give the situation a little thought and you can limit damage to your boat considerably - a Nautical ID plate solves this simply and effectively.

As Simon Tonks, of marine insurer Navigators & General declared in 2015, "January is the worst month of the year for boat insurance claims", and with storms now hammering the globe more frequently and throughout all seasons, even the most laid-back owner is realising that precautions must be taken if expensive damage is to be prevented. Whilst no-one can guarantee absolute boat security when moored, Nautical ID can support you to protect your vessel from impending problems.

More generally, storms aside, Nautical ID has you covered no matter where you are, for all issues noticed by fellow boat owners and passers-by. As we would expect, a good marina should have staff on hand 24-hours a day, walking the pontoons in all conditions to check that no boat is damaged, and have the contact details of boat owners to contact them should the situation arise. However, if this isn't the case, Nautical ID can be your spare pair of eyes and peace of mind taking away much of the anxiety of boat ownership.

Over just a few months, ropes can wear, fenders burst, bilge pump batteries run down, sails become unfurled, cockpit drains block with leaves, and lines work loose. Taking a few simple measures to protect your boat now might help to avoid a nasty surprise later, and your fellow boat owners can help with this protection and vice versa.

Managing Director Sam Reid comments,

"For the equivalent of £5 a month, Nautical ID is an intentionally simple, cost-effective way of protecting your boat. A small problem can become costly in no time, and these are often seen and witnessed by people who want to help. Nautical ID provides the ability for them to let a boatowner know instantly".

Annual membership costs only £59 and is activated immediately. As a Nautical ID member, you will receive two Nautical ID plates and the Nautical ID pennant to fix to your boat. For more information and membership benefits, please visit or contact us on