Chance of a Lifetime for Young Sailor
by Lisa Ratcliffe on 15 Apr 2000
Today young 15-year-old Jamie Talbot will face the challenge of his life. He will be on board Too Impetuous, skippered by Neville Watson, for the start of the
Sunlover Holidays Sydney - Mooloolaba Yacht Race at 1.00pm.
Jamie is a graduate of a sailing program run by the Outreach Sailing Club which targets young high school youth who are struggling at school, and who would
probably never get the opportunity to sail on big keel boats.
'Jamie will be a valuable part of the crew,' said Neville. 'He is very good up for'ard, light and quick, and already has a season of racing under his belt.'
'Both Jamie's parents are amazed at his improvement at school since taking up sailing. His confidence and focus in the classroom seem to be positively
affected by his success in overcoming challenges at sea.'
Jamie will join around 400 sailors setting off today on the 469 nautical mile ocean race to Queensland's Sunshine Coast. The fleet of 42 yachts will line up for the
1.00pm start off Nielsen Park and will be farewelled when the Mayor of Woollahra, Councillor Andrew Petrie fires the cannon from the CYCA's start boat.
This morning competitors attended a race weather briefing conducted by meteorologist Ken Batt. Ken forecast 10-15 knot NE sea breezes by day and 10-15
knot NW land breezes by night, with a weak southerly change and possible isolated thunderstorms hitting Sydney this afternoon
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